Start the Day Bright

Start the Day Bright:
What if there was a simple habit you could start in the morning that would have a great impact on your health? The good news is, there is and it tastes good as well. There are a host of benefits that can found in starting your day with fresh ginger tea. The bright yellow color and spicy flavor of ginger gives us an idea of what it does in our body. Interestingly enough it has a very similar function in our body the Sun does upon the earth. These come from the phytonutrients in ginger called gingerols, and this is thought to be the main active ingredient that benefits us in such a powerful way. Ancient healing traditions believe ginger can increase circulation and benefit the digestive system, as well as protect against poisons that might have been eaten. In modern pharmacology we are able to verify these ideas. The circulation benefits of Ginger have been found in its anti-inflammatory effect. This was so beneficial in fact that a double blind study of people suffering with arthritis pain showed significant improvement and pain relief after taking it every day. As far as digestion, research at the Frontiers in Cancer Prevention shows that gingerols may inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells, which makes it a powerful protector of the intestinal tract. Not only that, but it is great for settling an upset stomach. So how do we get this great plant and all of its benefits into our lives? One of the ways is to make a ginger tea that can be stored in the fridge for up to 1 week. To make it you need:
- 4-5 one inch thick slices of fresh ginger
- 6 cups of water
- Combine in a pot, bring to a boil and then simmer for 20 minuets
- Strain out the ginger and store the tea in a glass container in the fridge.
- Every morning mix 4oz of ginger tea with 4oz of hot water and drink first thing
For more information please send me an email.
Dr. Daniel Finley Phd. Lac.