Grace’s Story

I am Graciela Quiroz, a quadriplegic woman whose life changed since November 29th, 2014. My journey to life started on that day when everything changed for me quickly. I lost so many things through this journey such as my bladder and bowel control, the ability to walk, the ability to grab things with my fingers, and most important, my independence. I was lucky enough to have the resources needed to be able to go to therapy after I was discharged from the hospital. From the week I got out to now I am still fighting to get to my goal and that is becoming independent. Through this journey I was also lucky to have met good hearted people that actually care for your wellbeing and progress. From therapists, doctors, family, and friends all of these people have helped me to the point where I am today. One of the people being Dr. Daniel Finley. I met at a therapy center for people with spinal cord injuries. There he put into practice his acupuncture, and I took interest and joined. After all, I thought at this point what do I have to loose. I did acupuncture with him for month and within about four months he was able to get my bowel and bladder working again, and for that I will forever be grateful. It was a step closer for me to become independent and not have people cathing me. Not only has he helped me through this journey, but he has also become a good friend. He is a very nice, intelligent man that I have no doubt be able to also help others.